
Crooked Thumb Brewery | Safety Harbor

Pinellas Craft Beer

By in Brewery News 4

Crooked Thumb Brewery | Preview Weekend

Now Open in Safety Harbor!

Last weekend we threw our doors open to the public for the first time. Friday and Saturday evenings we offered a preview into what we’ve been up to at the brewery. It was great to finally see our vision of a place where the community could gather together over great beer and conversation come to life. We watched as young and old walked, biked and drove over for a visit. They came from just around the corner to across the state. We truly appreciate everyone who came out to show their support for a locally owned independent business and the craft beer community. The brewery is still a work in progress as we iron out some kinks and finish up the tasting room space. All the positive feedback received so far helps propel us along. We will have limited hours again next weekend as we move along toward completion. If you missed last weekend’s preview come see us this Friday and Saturday October 24th & 25th from 4-8pm.

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